Tuesday, August 12, 2014

Getting Crafty

I used to LOVE crafting!

Then I became budget conscious. 

That happens when you marry an accountant. 

I would waste so much money on crafts that should cost $10 to make, but because I never remember where I kept my supplies, I ended up buying all new things. I was then creating something that was not worth the $65 I just spent at Michaels.

And let's be honest, it's easier to just pay someone on Etsy to do it. I can guarantee they will do a much better job than me.

However, now that we've moved, all these glorious craft supplies from the past have resurfaced! Gasp! Our loft was tiny and a lot of my crafts were relegated to our storage unit. In our new place I finally have my own office where said things can live and turn into magical crafty creations!


I'm on it now. Like Martha Stewart all up in here.

The Gals' new room has me reinspired and I'm ready to create.

First on the list: Initial Plaques.

It was pretty easy and a good place to start. Just a little tape and paint!

I loved how they turned out and I didn't actually break the bank this time.

As I dusted off all of my old supplies, I found this cross stitch buried deep down where I'd hidden it after my long stay in the hospital while I was pregnant with the gals.

I've had enough time and seeing things that remind me of this stay don't bother me anymore. So here's my next project! 

This will certainly be framed and also placed in the Gals' new room!

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