Saturday, December 31, 2011

19 Week Update

Last Wednesday we headed off to the perinatologist again.  These appointments are turning out to be my favorite because all it usually involves is a scan.  I was actually pretty excited this time since my parents were going to be in town & got to get a peek at the babes too!  This is all new to them, since back in the day, ultrasounds were only used when there was a problem.

Like most of our appointments, the babes were squirming around everywhere, already beating each other up. It was kinda cool to see the wall between them flying all around and they kicked their little legs & feet.

We definitely have 2 girls in there!

Now that the babes are getting bigger, they are photo bombing each other at every chance they can get. You can see in the top picture of baby A, baby B's foot is right in her face.

So far the babes are on track & everything looks normal. It always feels good to hear the doc say that at each visit. It was also exciting to hear was that we are at the halfway point! Although twins are full term at 37 weeks, I'm hoping my height & stature will cook these babes longer.

Here's a bump pic for the records.

Sunday, December 25, 2011

Merry Christmas!

Our Christmas card this year!

Sunday, December 11, 2011

Week 16 Update

On Wednesday we had another appointment with the perinatologist.  We get to see him in between visits with our regular doctor & I can't begin tell you how awesome this is for the head & the heart, to be able to see our babes more often.

Our ultra sound tech was explaining to us that she would be doing anatomy scans for us every few weeks so that she can make sure the babies are growing properly.  They also do it more frequently because sometimes they can't get all the measurements they need in one sitting, since the babes can be so wiggly, or their position isn't that great.

Right out the gate, the tech went straight for the goods. At 16 weeks, we knew that there was a chance that everything wasn't developed, or the babes might not be cooperative, but we were hopeful. So far it looks like we have 2 rowdy ladies in there! Dave is already planning their softball career, while I myself (after being reminded by my college tennis buddy, Kelsey) believe I have doubles partners on my hands.

The rest of the appointment went well. I always enjoy visiting this doctor. He's a high risk doc so he sees all types of ladies, but every time we are there he marvels at our natural twins. He kinda sounds like a stoner at times."Wow, that is just so amazing..."

I love it.

Here are some more pictures of the babes for the collection.

Finally, at the request of my sister, here is another belly pic. I'm ready for a nice big bump...not so much yet, but I will get there!

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