Saturday, December 25, 2010

It's sticking now!

My Sister's New Muppet

Her husband got her a custom muppet for xmas. hilarious!

Friday, December 24, 2010


R: You must admit the Winders/Bells have some good holiday times...
D: That's because y'all drink.
R: ....

Monday, December 13, 2010

Rich's Pink Pig

So as I sat crammed into the tiniest train imaginable, all I could think of was "man this was way cooler when I was a kid." I snapped a quick pic of the original "Priscilla" train, and my thoughts quickly changed to "holy crap I rode on that death trap disguised as a carnival monorail ride?" The train passes by pictures of kids smashed against the caged windows having the time of their lives and slowly I was reconvinced that the pink pig was an amazing experience. 

Although I was alot younger when it was downtown, I was lucky enough to have a father who worked right in the city.  We took advantage of this during the holidays and a Braves parade here or there.
The Pink Pig's next stop was the Egelston Festival of Trees (does anyone know why this tradition stopped?)  Which was a frequent favorite of my Girl Scout Troop. After tiring out with the madness of ornament swapping a quick trip around in the Pink Pig was a perfect end to the day. Nostalgia aside, I'm glad this tradition is still going, even if it is a bit on the tame side. Oh and of course, I would also prefer it returned to it's former glory downtown (along with that great big christmas tree)!
Sent from my Droid the spelling and grammatical errors will be fixed later tonight!

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