Saturday, April 5, 2014

w:14 y:14

To say we are having fun with this new camera is an understatement. 

The gals stayed home with dad on Monday to watch the Braves Opening Game!

Kid is a pro at the playground. I seriously have no problem letting her roam the place all by herself.

This lasted a good 15 minutes. Teamwork man. I think we need to buy a sandbox ASAP.

Adorable outfits from Auntie Pat & Uncle Al.

I woke up with the HOFF in my google plus inbox. Made my day.

Yea mom. Just because we are twins doesn't make this fun.

Skinned knees & warm temps. Summer is on it's way!!

Again. Amelia has no fear. Climbed up the 3 stories all by herself and flew down the slide, no problem.

Big kid. Bigger Ball.

This mirror is always dirty.

Fishing for rocks.

Does it make us official homeowners when we finally take care of the shit show that is our lawn??

So once the lawn was taken care of, we went out to play, and of course I brought out the new camera.

A Gal.

Snack break.





Break on the Hill.


Wednesday, April 2, 2014

Workout Wear

Wanna know what's hot this season?
Sorry y'all, this isn't the place.
Ok, ok, I admit that some of that stuff is pretty dern cute.
I've been an athlete most of my life. I started young, & lived in matching neon Umbro t-shirt & short sets. When soccer was done, I hopped off the field, and into he most unflattering pleated tennis skirt this side of the Mason-Dixon. Next was basketball. Socks & shorts had to be long. I'm painting a real pretty picture of my wardobe as a youth right?
Well, honestly, things haven't changed.
I got older, but I still competed. Tennis in college, a degree in Sports Management, and a job in Youth Sports & Camps, meant I had a lifetime of earned t-shirts and a drawer full of running shorts.
Oh and the shoes, too many Nikes, Pumas, and Adidas to count.
In the past 5 years or so, workout gear has become pretty fashionable and sold everywhere. Cute tanks, fun leggings, and bright shoes. Which I can say I truly love!
And then my wallet says...are you serious? You own 8 zillion workout items. Step away from the shiny stuff.
But but but...
When I go to the park after the gym all the other mom's look so cute in their thin strapped tanks & running capris.
Then I look again & remind myself:
"Bex, your girls wouldn't even stay IN a tank like that and you never look like that post workout. You look like a hot sweaty mess, but in your world that's a good thing. It means you worked hard and, hell, be happy you even made it to the gym!"
And so when you see me looking like a dirt-ball at the park, running around with my kids, in a giant T-shirt from 1997, don't worry, I'm not a bum. I just got done working out.

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