Saturday, January 7, 2017

2016 Goals

I’m not the “roll your eyes over resolutions type of person.” I love making them and I love supporting others in their endeavors for the year as well. I think it’s all because, in the last several years, I have been successful at sticking to them. Personally, I enjoy at attempting to make myself a better person.
So here it goes! My goals for 2016…
In the past, a lot of my goals have been health related. Mind & Body. I’m in a comfortable space now, and realize that maintenance in that area will always be a constant. I will always be an active person. I love to compete, but I still struggle with my food choices. So my wellness goals for the year are to be mindful of what I eat. If I want to indulge, do so only once a week. I always seem to fall down the slippery slope of bad eating habits, and find it hard to pull myself back out. I’m hoping 2016 will be a better year in that sense. I’m currently doing another round of whole30 with my friends to jump start it all.
I NEED to stop biting my freaking nails & cuticles. In fact, keeping my hands out of my mouth all together! It’s such a bad habit, and this week with the cold, I made my fingers physically hurt. This has to stop. I bought a gambit of nail products and polish to help with this matter.
In 2015 I PR’d my half marathon & completed my goal of coming in under 2 hours!  I finished the Jeff Galloway 13.1 in 1:57:44. I was really excited, especially considering I ran the Atlanta Thanksgiving Half Marathon a few weeks earlier 10 minutes slower!
I’d love to expand on that and start running miles in 8 minute range consistently. I want to be more diverse with my training this year. I got slack about strength training when I was training for the half marathons and I shouldn’t have. I also want to weigh the pros & cons of the triathlon. For me it’s all about the road block of buying a quality bike. It’s a huge investment for us, and I want to make sure I am serious before I go ahead.
I have this really bad tendency, after dinner and the gals’ bedtime, to just veg out and play on my phone. Then all of a sudden I realize it’s time for bed, and I haven’t done much for getting ready for the next day, let alone finish the dishes that have built up in the sink. (In our house, whoever cooks, doesn’t have to clean up the mess, and since Dave is usually home before I am, he is the chef.) So my goal here for the year is to nightly take that 10-20 minutes it take to clean up the kitchen and have everything ready for the next day. I want to expand upon that and daily clean one area/item that doesn’t get cleaned often. I leave things too long, then everything is a mess, and it stresses me out. Taking the time to do it in small chunks should help this.
I want to decorate my home. I’ve always moved after 1-2 years in a place, so I’ve never collected “cute” decorations or had the time to really make it ours. Maybe I will crack open that wacky Pinterest site I can’t stand for some inspiration…
To do lists. I love these at work. Time to bring them into my personal life.
Dave and I have decided we will try and have at least 30 minutes of game time every night. Tonight, for example, he easily kicked my ass in UNO. The gals are finally old enough to play several board games, so a weekly game night with them will be started. I want to make a big deal out of it. Popcorn, treats, puppies, kitties, and rainbows.
At least one blog a month.
Reading – I met my goal last year of 20 books. This year it’s 30.
Cross stich – finish the 3 projects that have been collecting dust in my desk drawer for the past 3 years.
Photography – I have this fancy camera, and I love to take pictures with it, but I barely know how to use it. This year I learn how to use it properly!
Photos – So if I figure out my camera, then I really need to start doing something with the photos that are currently taking up almost 200 gigs of space in the cloud. I want to start making yearly books for the gals and boy do I have some catching up to do.
That’s it…I think?
Whoa, that’s a lot to accomplish, but hey I’ve got a whole year right?

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