Thursday, January 8, 2015


An old Instagram picture popped up in my Timehop today.

It was a sad blurry pic of my foot on a treadmill.

However, that sad blurry picture reminded me of where I was two years ago. I had put the health and well being of my preemie twins first for all of their short life, and I felt it was finally time to work on me for awhile.

Their first trip to the Y was interesting, in fact that first year was always touch and go. Would the gals let me actually get in a workout today? Or would I be constantly looking over the shoulder, wondering if the daycare attendant would be searching for me to come get my inconsolable child. If anything that made me work out with more intensity, who knows how much time I would get today! 

It's been 2 years since I started going to the gym regularly and it's been such a breath of fresh air in my day, both mentally and physically. Now, while the gals enjoy the daycare, I workout, read a book, or just completely veg out on my phone.

Over the first year I was able to lose the 50lbs I had gained while pregnant with the gals, and then because I was on a roll, I went for 40 more!

I've also learned a lot about myself these past two years and I'm continuing to grow. The joy of lifting, running isn't for me anymore, and now this year's venture is Yoga and Mindfulness. 

So don't think all those New Year Resolutions are a sham! I'm proof that these goals are a great way to kickstart a healthy lifestyle. 

Happy New Year Y'all! 


  1. Love this! You're inspirational for sure. I am hoping to build some strength this year (though pack on a few pounds!).

  2. Thanks B! That means a lot! Wishing the best for you and your fam this year!


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