Sunday, July 8, 2012

Back to Work

This past week was my first week back to work! Most new moms loathe this, but I was so excited! I purposely changed my entire life situation so this would work!

A little background info...

A few years ago I left the professional working world of Sports to become a nanny. At first it was to go back to grad school, but then it became a way to start a family, make money, & still be with my babes full time.

I was so lucky to find an amazing family to work for. Their little girl is an extremely bright & talented child with voracious appetite for learning. She loves to wear pretty dresses, but won't hesitate to get that dress dirty digging for worms. She is passionate about everything she is involved in & she is wise beyond her years. Her parents are gracious & caring & I was so appreciative when they gave me the option of having a child & being able to bring them with me to work.

So needless to say when I was admitted to the hospital at 27 weeks it was hard on all of us. My nanny family came & visited me often, bringing delicious food & things to keep me busy. For this I am truly grateful. Even when the babies came early, they made many trips to the NICU to make sure we were all okay. Even the Grandmas dropped by!!

When I was ready to come back, all of us were very excited! Last Monday Ava even woke her parents up at 6:30 AM wondering when I would get there, continually peering out the window.

The night before, I had meticulously laid out everything that I would need for the day...bottles, blankets, extra clothes, diapers, wipes, pump, & of course Mr. moose. I was proud of myself for traveling as light as we could! I was ready to go!

The girls luckily slept their usual 8 hours, so I was very happy when they cooperated on my first day back. I fed them at 5 AM, put them back down for a snooze, & made myself some coffee & oatmeal.  I then took a quick shower & got ready, packed the babes up, & we were out the door by 7 AM!

That first day I was greeted by so many hugs & smiles. It was great to be back!

The whole week went really well. We continued our morning routine at the house & once I got to work the girls would sleep until around 9 AM, giving me enough time to get Ava all ready for her day.  Ava instantly clicked with the girls, and they already adore her. She is so caring and gentle, that I have no doubt she will be an amazing role model & "big sis" to the girls.  She was a great help as well. Grabbing diapers, entertaining the babes, and reinserting paci's when the babies were upset. So sweet.

Even though I had the twins in tow, we were still able to get up to our old activities. On Thursday we went to one of our favorite Atlanta spots, The Fernbank Museum of Natural History to check out their Poop exhibit. Who knew poop could be so fun?? The girls also got to experience their first T-Rex!

All in all it was a great week! So glad to be back!


  1. Look at your girls smiling! Aw, so cute. Kudos to you in handling three children out in town on your first day back. The thought of it just makes me nervous. I still can't wrap my head around having two soon. Whew!

  2. Uncle Jerry and ChristinaJuly 13, 2012 at 4:55 PM

    We are really enjoying the photos Becca. I am here in Frankfurt for another month, and Christina and I have logged in to see the progress several times. You are really capturing some great shots!


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