Sunday, April 15, 2012

Feeding & Growing

Both girls have had a great week & are really starting to gain weight. Madeline is now up 1 pound since birth! She weighs 4lbs 9oz & Amelia is 4lbs 6oz. Their little preemie diapers are starting to get too small!

Dad on diaper duty

Right now we are really excited that Amelia is gaining weight, since she is on a diuretic for her heart murmur. {This could cause her to maintain or lose weight} Her echocardiogram last week showed that her PDA valve has not yet closed, & in fact looked larger. They will check again tomorrow to see if it has improved at all this past week, as they can still hear the murmur.

caught a little smile

We have been working hard on breastfeeding. Right now they can feed from me or a bottle twice a day, & I'm hoping that this can get bumped up to more sessions soon.  The closer they are to getting their feeding tubes out, the closer they are to going home! Both girls have their shining moments in the eating department, while on other days, they just play around or snooze.

In certain light both girl's hair looks strawberry blonde

We have a checklist of all the things the girls must be able to do/or have done. So far only two things have been checked off. Dave & I have taken the infant CPR test & both girls have passed their hearing exam. Hopefully this week we can really make a dent in that checklist. The Braves season has started & these girls need to be home watching the games with us!!


  1. The girls are so cute and getting big!!! I can't wait to meet them :)

    1. Thanks Be Fri! Hopefully we can get everyone together this summer!

  2. Amelia is finally getting a personality...amazing growth, er, grace.

    1. She always pulls the most serious faces! Concentrating very hard!

  3. Hello there! You don't know me and this will likely seem very random. However, I feel very compelled to comment. So I am VERY new to twitter and I was playing around with it tonight on my phone and I just typed in #preemie twins in and there you were. You see, I have twin boys who are now almost 4 and they were born 12 weeks early. Reading through your posts, it all came back. All the medical jargon, all the waiting and wanting them to be home so badly I could taste it. I feel your pain sister, I lived it.

    My turkeys inspired me to start a blog, it's called twins happen and I have our story on it It looks like you will have to copy and paste the link. I actually have a feature that I just started a couple of weeks ago, called Miracle Baby Monday where I feature stories of what else? Miracle babies. Preemies and especially preemie moms hold a special place in my heart. Please know that I am praying for you and your sweet girls. I hope they can come home soon.

    I'm not gonna lie, those last couple of weeks in the NICU were the worst. Once we knew they were going to be fine, it was tough just to wait. But, wait we did. My turkeys liked to play tricks in the form of apnea/bradycardia spells.

    Another random thing: I noticed in your profile it says you went to Ohio Wesleyan. I am from Columbus, graduated from Hilliard High School in 1996. I also graduated from BGSU in 2000. We moved to Des Moines, IA in 2004 and then here, to Mesa, AZ in 2009.

    Anyhow, please feel free to email me at if you ever need anything. Sending much love through the Interwebs.


    1. Thanks for your support Andrea! I just subscribed to your blog :) So glad to hear that your boys are doing so well now. We are in that crummy waiting period of them doing well, gaining weight, but just aren't sure when they will come home! I am hoping that it is within the next 2 weeks! I am an OWU grad! I loved it!! My family still lives in Toledo, OH, so I know BG very well! :)


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